Example Schema

The example schema below contains data for a university enrollment system. Information about students, departments, courses, etc. are organized in multiple tables.


Empty primary keys, such as in the CurrentTerm table, are not yet supported by DataJoint. This feature will become available in a future release. See Issue #127 for more information.

File +university/Student.m

  student_id      : int unsigned # university ID
  first_name      : varchar(40)
  last_name       : varchar(40)
  sex             : enum('F', 'M', 'U')
  date_of_birth   : date
  home_address    : varchar(200) # street address
  home_city       : varchar(30)
  home_state      : char(2) # two-letter abbreviation
  home_zipcode    : char(10)
  home_phone      : varchar(14)
classdef Student < dj.Manual

File +university/Department.m

  dept         : char(6) # abbreviated department name, e.g. BIOL
  dept_name    : varchar(200) # full department name
  dept_address : varchar(200) # mailing address
  dept_phone   : varchar(14)
classdef Department < dj.Manual

File +university/StudentMajor.m

  -> university.Student
  -> university.Department
  declare_date :  date # when student declared her major
classdef StudentMajor < dj.Manual

File +university/Course.m

  -> university.Department
  course      : int unsigned # course number, e.g. 1010
  course_name : varchar(200) # e.g. "Cell Biology"
  credits     : decimal(3,1) # number of credits earned by completing the course
classdef Course < dj.Manual

File +university/Term.m

  term_year : year
  term      : enum('Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall')
classdef Term < dj.Manual

File +university/Section.m

  -> university.Course
  -> university.Term
  section : char(1)
  room  :  varchar(12) # building and room code
classdef Section < dj.Manual

File +university/CurrentTerm.m

  -> university.Term
classdef CurrentTerm < dj.Manual

File +university/Enroll.m

  -> university.Section
  -> university.Student
classdef Enroll < dj.Manual

File +university/LetterGrade.m

  grade : char(2)
  points : decimal(3,2)
classdef LetterGrade < dj.Manual

File +university/Grade.m

  -> university.Enroll
  -> university.LetterGrade
classdef Grade < dj.Manual

Example schema ERD

university example schema

Example schema for a university database. Tables contain data on students, departments, courses, etc.

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