Included with the codebase is the recommended development environment configured using DevContainer.
Launch Environment¶
Here are some options that provide a great developer experience:
- Cloud-based IDE: (recommended)
- Launch using GitHub Codespaces using the option
Create codespace on master
in the codebase repository on your fork. - Build time for a 2-Core codespace is ~6m. This is done infrequently and cached for convenience.
- Start time for a 2-Core codespace is ~2m. This will pull the built codespace from cache when you need it.
- Tip: GitHub auto names the codespace but you can rename the codespace so that it is easier to identify later.
- Launch using GitHub Codespaces using the option
- Local IDE (VSCode - Dev Containers):
- Ensure you have Git
- Ensure you have Docker
- Ensure you have VSCode
- Install the Dev Containers extension
git clone
the codebase repository and open it in VSCode- Use the
Dev Containers extension
toReopen in Container
(More info in theGetting started
included with the extension) - You will know your environment has finished loading once you see a terminal open related to
Running postStartCommand
with a final message:Done. Press any key to close the terminal.
- Local IDE (Docker Compose):
- Ensure you have Git
- Ensure you have Docker
git clone
the codebase repository and open it in VSCode- Issue the following command in the terminal to build and run the Docker container:
HOST_UID=$(id -u) PY_VER=3.11 DJ_VERSION=$(grep -oP '\d+\.\d+\.\d+' datajoint/ docker compose --profile test run --rm -it djtest -- sh -c 'pip install -qe ".[test]" && bash'
- Issue the following command in the terminal to stop the Docker compose stack:
docker compose --profile test down
Once you've successfully launched the development environment, you'll be able to take advantage of our developer tooling to help improve productivity and quality.
Syntax Tests¶
The following will verify that there are no syntax errors.
flake8 datajoint --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
Integration Tests¶
The following will verify there are no regression errors by running our test suite of unit and integration tests.
- Entire test suite:
pytest -sv --cov-report term-missing --cov=datajoint tests
- A single functional test:
pytest -sv tests/
- A single class test:
pytest -sv tests/
Style Tests¶
The following will verify that there are no code styling errors.
flake8 --ignore=E203,E722,W503 datajoint --count --max-complexity=62 --max-line-length=127 --statistics
The following will ensure the codebase has been formatted with black.
black datajoint --check -v
The following will ensure the test suite has been formatted with black.
black tests --check -v
Jupyter notebooks are supported in this environment. This means that when you import datajoint
, it will use the current state of the source.
Be sure to see the reference documentation if you are new to running Jupyter notebooks w/ VSCode.
VSCode Debugger is a powerful tool that can really accelerate fixes.
Try it as follows:
- Create a python script of your choice
import datajoint
(This will use the current state of the source)- Add breakpoints by adding red dots next to line numbers
- Select the
Run and Debug
tab - Start by clicking the button
Run and Debug
It is often useful in development to connect to DataJoint's relational database backend directly using the MySQL CLI.
Connect as follows to the database running within your developer environment:
mysql -hdb -uroot -ppassword
Our documentation is built using MkDocs Material. The easiest way to improve the documentation is by using the docs/docker-compose.yaml
environment. The source can be modified in docs/src
using markdown.
The docs environment can be run using 3 modes:
- LIVE: (recommended) This serves the docs locally. It supports live reloading on saves to
files but does not support the docs version dropdown. Useful to see changes live.MODE="LIVE" PACKAGE=datajoint UPSTREAM_REPO= HOST_UID=$(id -u) docker compose -f docs/docker-compose.yaml up --build
- QA: This serves the docs locally. It supports the docs version dropdown but does not support live reloading. Useful as a final check.
MODE="QA" PACKAGE=datajoint UPSTREAM_REPO= HOST_UID=$(id -u) docker compose -f docs/docker-compose.yaml up --build
- BUILD: This compiles the docs. Most useful for the docs deployment automation. Other modes are more useful to new contributors.
MODE="BUILD" PACKAGE=datajoint UPSTREAM_REPO= HOST_UID=$(id -u) docker compose -f docs/docker-compose.yaml up --build
When the docs are served locally, use the VSCode PORTS
tab (next to TERMINAL
) to manage access to the forwarded ports. Docs are served on port 8080