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Basic Usage

For a comprehensive guide on using the datajoint-file-validator package, please see the tutorial.

As a first step, install the datajoint-file-validator package. Optionally, set up a development environment.

Validate Using Python API

Validate an example fileset against an example manifest using the Python API:

from datajoint_file_validator import validate

my_dataset_path = 'tests/data/filesets/fileset0'
manifest_path = 'datajoint_file_validator/manifests/demo_dlc/v0.1.yaml'
success, report = validate(my_dataset_path, manifest_path, verbose=True)
# Validation failed with the following errors:
# [
#     {
#         'rule': 'Min total files',
#         'rule_description': 'Check that there are at least 6 files anywhere in the fileset',
#         'constraint_id': 'count_min',
#         'constraint_value': 6,
#         'errors': 'constraint `count_min` failed: 4 < 6'
#     }
# ]

# False

Validate Using the Command Line Interface (CLI)

Alternatively, validate using the included command line interface:

datajoint-file-validator validate tests/data/filesets/fileset0 datajoint_file_validator/manifests/demo_dlc/v0.1.yaml❌ Validation failed with 1 errors!
┃ ┃ Rule ┃ ┃ Constraint ┃ ┃
┃ Rule ID ┃ Description ┃ Constraint ID ┃ Value ┃ Errors ┃
│ Min total │ Check that │ count_min │ 6 │ constraint │
│ files │ there are at │ │ │ `count_min` │
│ │ least 6 files │ │ │ failed: 4 < 6 │
│ │ anywhere in │ │ │ │
│ │ the fileset │ │ │ │

Next Steps

For a more detailed introduction to the datajoint-file-validator package, see the tutorial.